I'm a 30-something-year-old woman who loves all things domestic and cute (#basic), so of course I'm lumped into Target's favorite demographic. The person who goes in for shampoo and comes out $100 poorer with a cart full of crap she didn't need (see Lizzza).
I don't trust myself to go in there alone anymore, so hubby and I went to pick up a few things the other day and I saw this guy in the back in the gardening and patio section:
Why did I need him? Where would I put him? I fell in love, but couldn't justify throwing away $13 on him (because I really am trying to do better with budgeting....really). However, I remembered seeing his monochromatic cousin in the Dollar Spot.
$3 later, he came home with us! All it took was some painter's tape, a plastic bag....
...and some spraypaint....
...and now he's worth 4 times as much! Can't wait to fix up the deck a little more and have him keep watch over my plants. And maybe pick up a watering can every now and then, if it's not too much to ask...