Carolina Cup 2016
Growing up in the Midlands of SC, I always knew about the Carolina Cup but never really had the desire to go. My dad's family is from Kentucky so I always felt a special connection to bourbon and Derby-related eats and drinks, but until I met my husband, I had never gone to a horse race or participated in anything like it.
I attended my 4th Carolina Cup this year and brought a couple of sips and nibbles to share. First up, Ham and Cheese Pretzel Bites from Pip & Ebby
I threw together an orange marmalade and bourbon mustard to serve with them.
I also made a couple of lemon bundt cakes with balsamic pomegranate glaze.
There was a smorgasbord of goodies that everyone brought to share, so I attempted to make cute signs to let people know what they were getting into.
I also made some carrot mimosas - very good!
The Carolina Cup is pretty much just a fancy schmancy tailgate, so everyone is dressed to the nines and has a good time just hanging out together.
It rained the day before and morning of, so I started out in rain boots and then changed to sandals early in the day.
A good time was had by all yet again this year!